Monday, January 4, 2021

5 Great Decisions Challange

“We cannot become what we need to be, remaining what we are.” Max Dupree
Have you become what “you need to be”? What areas would you change if you believed you could? What “we have become” has a lot to do with the choices we have made. Life is full of choices—daily choices that add up to a lifetime. Have you thought about your daily choices or are you accepting that life has to continue to be the same as you have experienced it to this point?
Have you ever thought that maybe you have been living life based on less that great decisions?
If so, why would you want to continue creating the foundation of your future on less than great decisions? Instead, consider taking on the 5 Great Decisions Challenge. Your future is depending on it! The 5 Great Decisions Challenge 1. If you decide to take on the 5 Great Decisions Challenge you must begin today. This is not an “I’ll eat the chocolate cake tonight and then start my great decisions diet tomorrow”. If so, you have already missed an opportunity to make a great decision. 2. Determine how you want to record your great decisions. This may be on paper or electronically. Writing down your decisions is necessary to experience the full benefits of this challenge. 3. Great decisions can come from many sources. Most likely you will have a focus that attracted you to take on the challenge—i.e. weight loss, exercise, increased work/life balance, relationships. Whatever your focus, always record at least one decision that is outside the realm of this focus. 4. Having trouble coming up with 5 decisions? Consider recording the little decisions, the good enough decisions, or the positive habits that don’t require a conscious decision, yet are leading to an optimal life. 5. Having a bad day and don’t feel like you have made any great decisions to record? Just making the decision to record in your journal can be your first great decision. Additional decisions will flow from there. 6. Is one decision always better than another decision? No. It depends on the day and what you really want. This challenge is about being good to yourself—really good to yourself. So, determine what you really want and turn it into a great decision. 7. It is common to repeatedly record 2 or 3 of the same great decisions each day. This is a sign that you are starting to create a life based on great decisions, and you are “becoming what you need to be”! Once you start the 5 Great Decisions Challenge you will begin looking for opportunities to make a great decision. Keep the focus on today—remember, it is the daily choices that add up to a lifetime.

What is the Five Great Decisions Program?

Welcome to the Five Great Decisions life changing program! Life is full of choices--daily choices that add up to a lifetime. 

Have you thought about your daily choices or are you accepting that life has to continue to be the same as you experienced it up to this point? Have you ever thought that maybe you have been living your life based on less than great decisions? 

If so, why would you want to continue creating the foundation of your future on less that great decisions? Instead, consider taking on the Five Great Decisions Challenge. Your future happiness is depending on it.